What is Positive Psychology?

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From our introduction to Profit from the Positive:

Positive psychology is the study of what constitutes excellence in individuals, communities, and workplaces. It incorporates the study of productivity, resilience, motivation, emotions, strengths, team dynamics, and more.

Despite its long evolution, people usually date the Internet back to 1995. Similarly, even though its roots go at least as far back as Aristotle’s writings about the good life, positive psychology was officially launched in 1998 when Martin Seligman took the helm of the American Psychological Association (APA). Yes, this field is younger than the Internet.

Since Seligman and his colleagues launched the field, over 10,000 research papers have been written. In academia, that’s an astounding amount of research in a short period. The media took notice of this research explosion and started running stories that sometimes included inaccurate sound bites. This is important: positive psychology is not positive thinking. It is not about saying a gratitude mantra while turning lemons into lemonade. Positive psychology researchers seek answers to questions every business leader wrestles with:

  • How do I increase productivity without adding to staff?
  • How do I get my team to collaborate or step up its game?
  • How do I motivate people to perform at their very best?
